Anyone who thought that they might be without “baggage,” think again. The society we grow up in, its language, the culture, our family’s interpretation of it and our own affect all of us profoundly. They shape who we are and how we experience life.It’s not surprising, then, that when we move somewhere else in the world, maybe to reunite with family or to follow a career opportunity, all of that ingrained knowledge, attitudes, assumptions and the habits they form will also come with us.That’s ok, after all they represent an essential part of who we are. However, if we don’t understand the power they have in shaping our reality and the consequences it brings, our international relocation may drive us into an unexpected scenario: KA-BOOOM! We may end up in a culture crash.
Irene Javors
In the interview that follows Irene Javors, a psychotherapist who specializes in the effects of culture on the psyche, talks about how to first acknowledge, then address, the adventure of rebuilding a new life in the States. With a frank and supportive approach, Javors helps viewers understand the normalcy of this all-too-often misunderstood process and how to give it a happy ending.
Irene is an Adjunct Professor in the Mental Health Counseling Program of the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology at Yeshiva University and the author of “Culture Notes: Essays on Sane Living,” available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The book is a collection of writings on the confusion of modern life and the question: Have-we-all-lost-our-minds? She is a regular contributor to “Annals” the journal of the American Psychotherapy Association.
This interview aired on Bronxnet – Channel 68 Cablevision and 34 FIOS.
Life In A New World: Irene Javors on the Labors of Cultural Adaptation from Tiziana Simona Rinaldi on Vimeo.

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